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The S-PAY Coin becomes the main payment instrument in the S-PAY ecosystem. S-PAY Coins can then be purchased on market exchanges or be earned via mining. They can be used for example to pay for fees and acquire credit cards.
Because of its PoS – protocol, the S-PAY Coin does not only constitute a worldwide means of payment, discount or shareholding for its users. It also can be saved (“staked”) and in this case is earning up to 10% interest for its owners. For this reason it pays off twice to own S-PAY Coins.
By buying these Tokens you have a certified rights issue to receive S-PAY – Coins at a rate of 1:1000.
589926294 in stock
697 in stock
Eigener Miningfarm-Anteil 5 TH/s für 20 Jahre mit täglichen Bitcoin-Erträgen
696 in stock